Welcome to the MPIRE documentation!

MPIRE, short for MultiProcessing Is Really Easy, is a Python package for multiprocessing, but faster and more user-friendly than the default multiprocessing package. It combines the convenient map like functions of multiprocessing.Pool with the benefits of using copy-on-write shared objects of multiprocessing.Process.


  • Multiprocessing with map/map_unordered/imap/imap_unordered functions

  • Easy use of copy-on-write shared objects with a pool of workers

  • Each worker can have its own state (e.g., to load a memory-intensive model only once for each worker without the need of sending it through a queue)

  • Automatic task chunking for all available map functions to speed up processing of small task queues (including numpy arrays)

  • Adjustable maximum number of active tasks to avoid memory problems

  • Automatic restarting of workers after a specified number of tasks to reduce memory footprint

  • Nested pool of workers are allowed when setting the daemon option

  • Child processes can be pinned to specific or a range of CPUs

  • Multiple process start methods available, including: fork (default), forkserver, spawn, and threading

  • Progress bar support using tqdm

  • Progress dashboard support

  • (Optional) dill support

If you have any issues or suggestions please inform the author.
