Accessing the worker ID

Each worker in MPIRE is given an integer ID to distinguish them. Worker #1 will have ID 0, #2 will have ID 1, etc. Sometimes it can be useful to have access to this ID.

By default, the worker ID is not passed on. You can enable/disable this by setting the pass_worker_id flag:

def task(worker_id, x):

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, pass_worker_id=True) as pool:, range(10))


The worker ID will always be the first argument passed on to the provided function.

Instead of passing the flag to the mpire.WorkerPool constructor you can also make use of mpire.WorkerPool.pass_on_worker_id():

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    pool.pass_on_worker_id(), range(10))

Elaborate example

Here’s a more elaborate example of using the worker ID together with a shared array, where each worker can only access the element corresponding to its worker ID, making the use of locking unnecessary:

def square_sum(worker_id, shared_objects, x):
    # Even though the shared objects is a single container, we 'unpack' it anyway
    results_container = shared_objects

    # Square and sum
    results_container[worker_id] += x * x

# Use a shared array of size equal to the number of jobs to store the results
results_container = Array('f', 4, lock=False)

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, shared_objects=results_container, pass_worker_id=True) as pool:
    # Square the results and store them in the results container
    pool.map_unordered(square_sum, range(100))