map family of functions

mpire.WorkerPool implements four types of parallel map functions, being:

Blocks until results are ready, results are ordered in the same way as the provided arguments.


The same as, but results are ordered by task completion time. Usually faster than


Lazy version of, returns a generator. The generator will give results back whenever new results are ready. Results are ordered in the same way as the provided arguments.


The same as mpire.WorkerPool.imap(), but results are ordered by task completion time. Usually faster than mpire.WorkerPool.imap().

When using a single worker the unordered versions are equivalent to their ordered counterparts.

Iterable of arguments

Each map function should receive a function and an iterable of arguments, where the elements of the iterable can be single values or iterables that are unpacked as arguments. If an element is a dictionary, the (key, value) pairs will be unpacked with the **-operator.

def square(x):
    return x * x

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    # 1. Square the numbers, results should be: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ...]
    results =, range(100))

The first example should work as expected, the numbers are simply squared. MPIRE knows how many tasks there are because a range object implements the __len__ method (see Task chunking).

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    # 2. Square the numbers, results should be: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ...]
    # Note: don't execute this, it will take a long time ...
    results =, range(int(1e30)), iterable_len=int(1e30), chunk_size=1)

In the second example the 1e30 number is too large for Python: try calling len(range(int(1e30))), this will throw an OverflowError (don’t get me started …). Therefore, we must use the iterable_len parameter to let MPIRE know how large the tasks list is. We also have to specify a chunk size here as the chunk size should be lower than sys.maxsize.

def multiply(x, y):
    return x * y

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    # 3. Multiply the numbers, results should be [0, 101, 204, 309, 416, ...]
    for result in pool.imap(multiply, zip(range(100), range(100, 200)), iterable_len=100):

The third example shows an example of using multiple function arguments. Note that we use imap in this example, which allows us to process the results whenever they come available, not having to wait for all results to be ready.

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    # 4. Multiply the numbers, results should be [0, 101, ...]
    for result in pool.imap(multiply, [{'x': 0, 'y': 100}, {'y': 101, 'x': 1}, ...]):

The final example shows the use of an iterable of dictionaries. The (key, value) pairs are unpacked with the **-operator, as you would expect. So it doesn’t matter in what order the keys are stored. This should work for collection.OrderedDict objects as well.

Circumvent argument unpacking

If you want to avoid unpacking and pass the tuples in example 3 or the dictionaries in example 4 as a whole, you can. We’ll continue on example 4, but the workaround for example 3 is similar.

Suppose we have the following function which expects a dictionary:

def multiply_dict(d):
    return d['x'] * d['y']

Then you would have to convert the list of dictionaries to a list of single argument tuples, where each argument is a dictionary:

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    # Multiply the numbers, results should be [0, 101, ...]
    for result in pool.imap(multiply_dict, [({'x': 0, 'y': 100},),
                                            ({'y': 101, 'x': 1},),

There is a utility function available that does this transformation for you:

from mpire.utils import make_single_arguments

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    # Multiply the numbers, results should be [0, 101, ...]
    for result in pool.imap(multiply_dict, make_single_arguments([{'x': 0, 'y': 100},
                                                                  {'y': 101, 'x': 1}, ...],

mpire.utils.make_single_arguments() expects an iterable of arguments and converts them to tuples accordingly. The second argument of this function specifies if you want the function to return a generator or a materialized list. If we would like to return a generator we would need to pass on the iterable length as well.

Mixing map functions

map functions cannot be used while another map function is still running. E.g., the following will raise an exception:

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    imap_results = pool.imap(multiply, zip(range(100), range(100, 200)), iterable_len=100)
    next(imap_results)  # We actually have to start the imap function

    # Will raise because the imap function is still running
    map_results =, range(100))

Make sure to first finish the imap function before starting a new map function. This holds for all map functions.

Not exhausting a lazy imap function

If you don’t exhaust a lazy imap function, but do close the pool, the remaining tasks and results will be lost. E.g., the following will raise an exception:

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    imap_results = pool.imap(multiply, zip(range(100), range(100, 200)), iterable_len=100)
    first_result = next(imap_results)  # We actually have to start the imap function

    # This will raise
    results = list(imap_results)

Similarly, exiting the with block terminates the pool as well:

with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool:
    imap_results = pool.imap(multiply, zip(range(100), range(100, 200)), iterable_len=100)
    first_result = next(imap_results)  # We actually have to start the imap function

# This will raise
results = list(imap_results)