Starting a WorkerPool ===================== .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: The :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` class controls a pool of worker processes similarly to a ``multiprocessing.Pool``. It contains all the ``map`` like functions (with the addition of :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.map_unordered`), but currently lacks the ``apply`` and ``apply_async`` functions. An :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` can be started in two different ways. The first and recommended way to do so is using a context manager: .. code-block:: python from mpire import WorkerPool # Start a pool of 4 workers with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: # Do some processing here pass The ``with`` statement takes care of properly joining/terminating the spawned worker processes after the block has ended. The other way is to do it manually: .. code-block:: python # Start a pool of 4 workers pool = WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) # Do some processing here pass # Only needed when keep_alive=True: # Clean up pool (this will block until all processing has completed) pool.stop_and_join() # In the case you want to kill the processes, even though they are still busy pool.terminate() When using ``n_jobs=None`` MPIRE will spawn as many processes as there are CPUs on your system. Specifying more jobs than you have CPUs is, of course, possible as well. .. warning:: In the manual approach, the results queue should be drained before joining the workers, otherwise you can get a deadlock. If you want to join either way, use :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.terminate`. For more information, see the warnings in the Python docs here_. .. _here: Nested WorkerPools ------------------ By default, the :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` class spawns daemon child processes who are not able to create child processes themselves, so nested pools are not allowed. There's an option to create non-daemon child processes to allow for nested structures: .. code-block:: python def job(...) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as p: # Do some work results = with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, daemon=True, start_method='spawn') as pool: # This will raise an AssertionError telling you daemon processes # can't start child processes, ...) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, daemon=False, start_method='spawn') as pool: # This will work just fine, ...) .. note:: Nested pools aren't supported when using threading. .. warning:: Spawning processes is not thread-safe_! Both ``start`` and ``join`` methods of the ``process`` class alter global variables. If you still want to have nested pools, the safest bet is to use ``spawn`` as start method. .. note:: Due to a strange bug in Python, using ``forkserver`` as start method in a nested pool is not allowed when the outer pool is using ``fork``, as the forkserver will not have been started there. For it to work your outer pool will have to have either ``spawn`` or ``forkserver`` as start method. .. warning:: Nested pools aren't production ready. Error handling and keyboard interrupts when using nested pools can, on some rare occassions (~1% of the time), still cause deadlocks. Use at your own risk. When a function is guaranteed to finish successfully, using nested pools is absolutely fine. .. _thread-safe: