map family of functions ======================= .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` implements four types of parallel ``map`` functions, being: :meth:`` Blocks until results are ready, results are ordered in the same way as the provided arguments. :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.map_unordered` The same as :meth:``, but results are ordered by task completion time. Usually faster than :meth:``. :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.imap` Lazy version of :meth:``, returns a generator. The generator will give results back whenever new results are ready. Results are ordered in the same way as the provided arguments. :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.imap_unordered` The same as :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.imap`, but results are ordered by task completion time. Usually faster than :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.imap`. When using a single worker the unordered versions are equivalent to their ordered counterparts. Iterable of arguments --------------------- Each ``map`` function should receive a function and an iterable of arguments, where the elements of the iterable can be single values or iterables that are unpacked as arguments. If an element is a dictionary, the ``(key, value)`` pairs will be unpacked with the ``**``-operator. .. code-block:: python def square(x): return x * x with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: # 1. Square the numbers, results should be: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ...] results =, range(100)) The first example should work as expected, the numbers are simply squared. MPIRE knows how many tasks there are because a ``range`` object implements the ``__len__`` method (see :ref:`Task chunking`). .. code-block:: python with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: # 2. Square the numbers, results should be: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ...] # Note: don't execute this, it will take a long time ... results =, range(int(1e30)), iterable_len=int(1e30), chunk_size=1) In the second example the ``1e30`` number is too large for Python: try calling ``len(range(int(1e30)))``, this will throw an ``OverflowError`` (don't get me started ...). Therefore, we must use the ``iterable_len`` parameter to let MPIRE know how large the tasks list is. We also have to specify a chunk size here as the chunk size should be lower than ``sys.maxsize``. .. code-block:: python def multiply(x, y): return x * y with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: # 3. Multiply the numbers, results should be [0, 101, 204, 309, 416, ...] for result in pool.imap(multiply, zip(range(100), range(100, 200)), iterable_len=100): ... The third example shows an example of using multiple function arguments. Note that we use ``imap`` in this example, which allows us to process the results whenever they come available, not having to wait for all results to be ready. .. code-block:: python with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: # 4. Multiply the numbers, results should be [0, 101, ...] for result in pool.imap(multiply, [{'x': 0, 'y': 100}, {'y': 101, 'x': 1}, ...]): ... The final example shows the use of an iterable of dictionaries. The (key, value) pairs are unpacked with the ``**``-operator, as you would expect. So it doesn't matter in what order the keys are stored. This should work for ``collection.OrderedDict`` objects as well. Circumvent argument unpacking ----------------------------- If you want to avoid unpacking and pass the tuples in example 3 or the dictionaries in example 4 as a whole, you can. We'll continue on example 4, but the workaround for example 3 is similar. Suppose we have the following function which expects a dictionary: .. code-block:: python def multiply_dict(d): return d['x'] * d['y'] Then you would have to convert the list of dictionaries to a list of single argument tuples, where each argument is a dictionary: .. code-block:: python with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: # Multiply the numbers, results should be [0, 101, ...] for result in pool.imap(multiply_dict, [({'x': 0, 'y': 100},), ({'y': 101, 'x': 1},), ...]): ... There is a utility function available that does this transformation for you: .. code-block:: python from mpire.utils import make_single_arguments with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: # Multiply the numbers, results should be [0, 101, ...] for result in pool.imap(multiply_dict, make_single_arguments([{'x': 0, 'y': 100}, {'y': 101, 'x': 1}, ...], generator=False)): ... :meth:`mpire.utils.make_single_arguments` expects an iterable of arguments and converts them to tuples accordingly. The second argument of this function specifies if you want the function to return a generator or a materialized list. If we would like to return a generator we would need to pass on the iterable length as well.