Setup ===== This section describes the different ways of creating a :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` object. .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: Starting a WorkerPool --------------------- The :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` class controls a pool of worker processes similarly to a ``multiprocessing.Pool``. It contains all the ``map`` like functions (with the addition of :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.map_unordered`), but currently lacks the ``apply`` and ``apply_async`` functions (if you wish to add it, feel free to do so). An :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` can be started in two different ways. The first and recommended way to do so is using a context manager: .. code-block:: python from mpire import WorkerPool # Start a pool of 4 workers with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: # Do some processing here pass The ``with`` statement takes care of properly joining/terminating the spawned worker processes after the block has ended. The other way is to do it manually: .. code-block:: python # Start a pool of 4 workers pool = WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) # Do some processing here pass # Clean up pool (this will block until all processing has completed) pool.stop_and_join() # In the case you want to kill the processes even though they are still busy pool.terminate() When using ``n_jobs=None`` MPIRE will spawn as many processes as there are CPUs on your system. Specifying more jobs than you have CPUs is, of course, possible as well. .. warning:: The results queue should be drained first before joining the workers, otherwise you can get a deadlock. If you want to join either way, use :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.terminate`. For more information, see the warnings in the Python docs here_. .. _here: Nested WorkerPools ------------------ Normally, the :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` class spawns daemon child processes who are not able to create child processes themselves, so nested pools are not allowed. However, there's an option to create normal child processes, instead of daemon, to allow for nested structures: .. code-block:: python def job(...) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as p: # Do some work results = with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, daemon=True) as pool: # This will raise an AssertionError telling you daemon processes can't start child processes, ...) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, daemon=False) as pool: # This will work just fine, ...) Do make sure all your non-daemon processes are terminated correctly. If a nested child process is interrupted, for example when the user triggers a ``KeyboardInterrupt``, the process will remain active and will have to be terminated manually. CPU pinning ----------- If desired you can pin the child processes of :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` to specific CPUs by using the ``cpu_ids`` parameter in the constructor: .. code-block:: python # Pin the two child processes to CPUs 2 and 3 with WorkerPool(n_jobs=2, cpu_ids=[2, 3]) as pool: ... # Pin the child processes to CPUs 40-59 with WorkerPool(n_jobs=20, cpu_ids=list(range(40, 60))) as pool: ... # All child processes have to share a single core: with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, cpu_ids=[0]) as pool: ... # All child processes have to share multiple cores, namely 4-7: with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, cpu_ids=[[4, 5, 6, 7]]) as pool: ... # Each child process can use two distinctive cores: with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, cpu_ids=[[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]]) as pool: ... CPU IDs have to be positive integers, not exceeding the number of CPUs available (which can be retrieved by using ``mpire.cpu_count()``). Use ``None`` to disable CPU pinning (which is the default). Shared objects -------------- MPIRE allows you to provide shared objects to the workers in a similar way as is possible with the ``multiprocessing.Process`` class. These shared objects are treated as ``copy-on-write``, they are only copied once changes are made to them, otherwise they share the same memory address. This is convenient if you want to let workers access a large dataset that wouldn't fit in memory when copied multiple times. When shared objects are copied they are only copied once for each worker, in contrast to copying it for each task which is done when using a regular ``multiprocessing.Pool``. By using a ``multiprocessing.Array``, ``multiprocessing.Value``, or another object with ``multiprocessing.Manager`` you could even store results in the same object from multiple processes. However, be aware of the possible locking behavior that comes with it. However, in some cases you can safely disable locking, as is shown here: .. code-block:: python from multiprocessing import Array def square_with_index(shared_objects, idx, x): # Even though the shared objects is a single container, we 'unpack' it # (only to be consistent with the function below) results_container = shared_objects # Square results_container[idx] = x * x def square_add_and_modulo_with_index(shared_objects, idx, x): # Unpack results containers square_results_container, add_results_container = shared_objects # Square, add and modulo square_results_container[idx] = x * x add_results_container[idx] = x + x return x % 2 # 1. Use a shared array of size 100 and type float to store the results results_container = Array('f', 100, lock=False) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, shared_objects=results_container) as pool: # Square the results and store them in the results container pool.map_unordered(square_with_index, enumerate(range(100)), iterable_len=100) # 2, Use a shared array of size 100 and type float to store the results square_results_container = Array('f', 100, lock=False) add_results_container = Array('f', 100, lock=False) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, shared_objects=(square_results_container, add_results_container)) as pool: # Square, add and modulo the results and store them in the results containers modulo_results =, enumerate(range(100)), iterable_len=100) Multiple objects can be provided by placing them, for example, in a tuple container as is done in example two above. When providing shared objects the provided function pointer in the map functions should receive the shared objects as its first argument (or the second argument when the worker ID is passed on as well, see :ref:`workerID`). In the first example (marked ``#1``) we create a results container and disable locking. We can safely disable locking here as each task writes to a different index in the array, so no race conditions can occur. Disabling locking is, of course, a lot faster than enabling it. In the second example we create two different results containers, one for squaring and for adding the given value. Additionally, we also return a value, even though we use shared objects for storing results. Instead of passing the shared objects to the :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` constructor you can also use the :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.set_shared_objects` function: .. code-block:: python results_container = Array('f', 100, lock=False) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: pool.set_shared_objects(results_container) pool.map_unordered(square_with_index, enumerate(range(100)), iterable_len=100) Worker state ------------ If you want to let each worker have its own state you can use the ``use_worker_state`` flag: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import pickle def load_big_model(): # Load a model which takes up a lot of memory with open('./a_really_big_model.p3', 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def model_predict(worker_state, x): # Load model if 'model' not in worker_state: worker_state['model'] = load_big_model() # Predict return worker_state['model'].predict(x) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, use_worker_state=True) as pool: # Let the model predict data = np.array([[...]]) results =, data) Instead of passing the flag to the :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` constructor you can also make use of :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.set_use_worker_state`: .. code-block:: python with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: pool.set_use_worker_state() results =, data) .. _workerID: Accessing the worker ID ----------------------- Each worker in MPIRE is given an integer ID to distinguish them. Worker #1 will have ID ``0``, #2 will have ID ``1``, etc. Sometimes it can be useful to have access to this ID. For example, when you have a shared array of which the size equals the number of workers and you want worker #1 only to access the first element, and worker #2 only to access the second element, and so on. By default, the worker ID is not passed on. You can enable/disable this by setting the ``pass_worker_id`` flag: .. code-block:: python def square_sum(worker_id, shared_objects, x): # Even though the shared objects is a single container, we 'unpack' it anyway results_container = shared_objects # Square and sum results_container[worker_id] += x * x # Use a shared array of size equal to the number of jobs to store the results results_container = Array('f', 4, lock=False) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, shared_objects=results_container, pass_worker_id=True) as pool: # Square the results and store them in the results container pool.map_unordered(square_sum, range(100)) The worker ID will always be the first passed on argument to the provided function pointer. Instead of passing the flag to the :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` constructor you can also make use of :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.pass_on_worker_id`: .. code-block:: python with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, shared_objects=results_container) as pool: pool.pass_on_worker_id() pool.map_unordered(square_sum, range(100)) Process start method -------------------- The ``multiprocessing`` package allows you to start processes using a few different methods: ``'fork'``, ``'spawn'`` or ``'forkserver'``. Threading is also available by using ``'threading'``. For detailed information on the multiprocessing contexts, please refer to the multiprocessing documentation_ and caveats_ section. In short: - ``'fork'`` (the default) copies the parent process such that the child process is effectively identical. This includes copying everything currently in memory. This is sometimes useful, but other times useless or even a serious bottleneck. - ``'spawn'`` starts a fresh python interpreter where only those resources necessary are inherited. - ``'forkserver'`` first starts a server process. Whenever a new process is needed the parent process requests the server to fork a new process. - ``'threading'`` starts child threads. The ``'spawn'`` and ``'forkserver'`` methods have some caveats_. All resources needed for running the child process should be picklable. This can sometimes be a hassle when you heavily rely on lambdas or are trying to run MPIRE in an interactive shell. To remedy most of these problems MPIRE can use dill_ as a replacement for pickle. Simply install the required :ref:`dependencies ` and you're good to go. Additionally, global variables (constants are fine) might have a different value than you might expect. You also have to import packages within the called function: .. code-block:: python import os def failing_job(folder, filename): return os.path.join(folder, filename) # This will fail because 'os' is not copied to the child processes with WorkerPool(n_jobs=2, start_method='spawn') as pool:, [('folder', '0.p3'), ('folder', '1.p3')]) .. code-block:: python def working_job(folder, filename): import os return os.path.join(folder, filename) # This will work with WorkerPool(n_jobs=2, start_method='spawn') as pool:, [('folder', '0.p3'), ('folder', '1.p3')]) Keep alive ---------- Workers can be kept alive in between consecutive map calls using the ``keep_alive`` flag. This is useful when your workers have a long startup time and you need to call one of the map functions multiple times. When either the function to execute or the ``worker_lifespan`` parameter changes MPIRE will ignore the flag as it needs to restart the workers. Building further on the worker state example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import pickle def load_big_model(): # Load a model which takes up a lot of memory with open('./a_really_big_model.p3', 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def model_predict(worker_state, x): # Load model if 'model' not in worker_state: worker_state['model'] = load_big_model() # Predict return worker_state['model'].predict(x) with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4, use_worker_state=True, keep_alive=True) as pool: # Let the model predict data = np.array([[...]]) results =, data) # Do something with the results ... # Let the model predict some more. In this call the workers are reused, # which means the big model doesn't need to be loaded again data = np.array([[...]]) results =, data) # Workers are restarted in this case because the function changed, range(100)) Instead of passing the flag to the :obj:`mpire.WorkerPool` constructor you can also make use of :meth:`mpire.WorkerPool.set_keep_alive`: .. code-block:: python with WorkerPool(n_jobs=4) as pool: pool.set_keep_alive() pool.map_unordered(square_sum, range(100)) .. _documentation: .. _caveats: .. _dill: